Sunday, March 6, 2022

Who really is a Filipino?

    After watching the documentary about Eddie Romero’s 1976 film "Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon," I also asked myself the same question, but at the back of my mind is the Philippine Constitution Article VII, stating that those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the said Constitution; those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and those who are naturalized in accordance with the law are considered Filipino. However, citizenship doesn't fully mean you're a true Filipino, though it makes you identify as one by the constitution.

    The film is the key to answering the question of who really is a Filipino. Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon, captured the personalities, the culture, the environment, and the social and political entities of the Philippines during the regime of the Spaniards. Before, we fought for peace in silence. Our grandparents fought to live under the slavery of Spanish officials. They live to please the Spaniards who don't have the authority to be in our country in the first place. Some of them were imprisoned without committing any sin and were never given any privilege to speak up for their rights as Filipinos owning the Philippines. On the other hand, we embrace the practice of the church, making the Philippines the only Christian-dominated nation in Asia at present times.

    It's with this film that I realize how important it is to restore our identity as Filipinos, not just by blood but also by heart. Filipinos are among those people fighting for peace and humanity. Those people who are brave enough to speak up for their rights without hurting anyone. Those people stand up for the development and overall well-being of the Philippines. Those people who respect our nation's history and culture. Those people who don't slave anyone just to feel superior. Those who are not selfish and help those who are in need. Those who are smart in finding solutions to the nation's issues and problems. Those who serve the country and its people. Those who are willing to educate and motivate everyone in order to prevent them from getting fooled. Filipinos are those who don't forget the past and pay respect to our heroes and leaders who gave us all the freedom that we all needed. It is because of them that we have become one united Filipino community. So now, ask yourself, are you one of us? 

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