Title: “God Sees the Truth, but Waits”
- Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov
- Vanya/Aksionov's Wife
- Makar Semyonich
- The Governor
- The Fellow Merchant
- The Official/Police official
· A small town in the Russian countryside called
Vladimir in the 19th century.
· Jail in Siberia
Man vs. man between Aksenov and Makar
Man vs. society for judging Aksenov’s innocence.
Third-person because it focuses on the character of Aksenov.
- Parable
- Foreshadowing
Vanya dreamed about her husband
Aksionov comes home with grey hair, which gives clue that something terrible
would happen to the main character.
No matter how harsh the world is, just keep praying, and God
will lead you to the truth.
Dmitrich Aksionov was living peacefully in Vladimir, in which he worked as a
merchant. One day, his wife dreamed bad about him, but he ignored it and even
joke about it, and go to a fair as a business venture. Although Aksionov was
prone to drinking, he was not violent, and he was responsible and well-liked by
people that knew him. Aksionov meets another merchant on his way, and the two
decide to travel together. They check into an inn and have a good time by
drinking, then they retire separately. Aksionov wakes early the next morning to
get to the fair and leaves without the other merchant. Not far down the road,
Aksionov is stopped by some policemen. They explain a merchant was just
murdered and robbed, and then they search Aksionov's bag. They found a bloody
knife, and despite Aksionov's claims of not being a murderer, he is sentenced
and sent to Siberia. After his trial flogging, his wife can finally visit him,
and she sees that Aksionov's hair has begun to go gray from the stress.
Aksionov spends twenty-six years in Siberia, and, resigned to his fate, he
dedicates his life to God. He is well respected by the other prisoners and also
guards alike.
One day, Makar Semyonich, one of the new prisoners, is transferred to the prison. After overhearing several conversations, Aksionov is convinced that Makar Semyonich is the man who committed the murder for which Aksionov was blamed. Eventually, Aksionov confronts Makar Semyonich, but he denies committing the murder. One day the guards notice that someone had been strewing dirt around the grounds, and they search the prison and find a tunnel. Aksionov had found out earlier that it was Makar Semyonich that was digging the hole, but after being questioned by the police, Aksionov declares that it is not his place to speak about the matter. Makar Semyonich approaches Aksionov later that day and admits to Aksionov that it was he who killed the merchant. Aksionov forgives Semyonich and he feels as if a terrible weight had been lifted. Makar Semyonich confesses to the authorities, and the process for Aksionov to be cleared is begun. Unfortunately, Aksionov dies before he can go out of prison.
No matter how good you are, that never guarantees the fact that you will be surrounded by good people also. So, you have to be careful in any way at any time. In this world full of wrongdoings, protect yourself in the name of God. Let God guides you to wherever you choose to be, and if bad things unfortunately happen, never gave up on God. Let God works on the truth and what is right. Also, don't judge people by their past. Being bad in the past doesn't make them less. Besides, you don't know if their past tells the truth about them. Only God knows about the person, and only He can judge the person, so let God works for him.
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